Thursday, March 12, 2009

5 Things I Couldn't Live Without.

Music is the thing that always puts me into a better mood, or that would be maintaining the current mood I would be in. It's helped me a lot with how I should deal with things. Just by how music can say so much that relates to how you feel inside when no one really understands, or giving me motivation to go out and do something that is pretty spontaneous without thinking of the consequences. So music is a really big part of my life and its pretty much built me into the person I am to this day. With music being a huge impact on my life, music leads to why my family means everything to me! Lately I have noticed how much my family really loves me. A year ago I thought my family didn't care all that much about me, until I scared them half to death with my actions! After I noticed how much they really did care about me, I started to put more effort into being around them as much as I possibly could. Now I love being around my family. People who are like family to me would be my friends! I've had so many groups of friends within the past five years. I went through stages of having really great friends, to people I thought were my friends, and back to people who I believe are my real friends. I've had some bumps in the road with my friendships, but I have learned to move on and figure out who should be in my life and who I'm better off leaving behind, the ones you get in trouble with may have been fun to be around, but it's not worth continuing friendships with because it will only lead to major problems later in life. Earlier this year when I was going through a hard time with friendships I would take everything out on drawing. Not until this year I found that I love to draw and I'm not too bad at it either, which gives me a really good feeling. I noticed drawing when I switched schools to get away from everything I possibly could. Without switching schools I don't think I would of ever taken the time to notice drawing as a new hobby of mine. Drawing has helped me express many things without having to even talk, and that's what I love about it so much! Concerts are one of the things that lightens me up! I love the adrenaline rushes that come to me while I'm in a crowd up people jumping up and down, dancing, and just having a good time. The music and lights just amaze me and put myself into a place that doesn't seem real, while I'm out dancing having the time of my life! Meeting new people there is always a good thing, which makes me more social with different people that aren't from the Uintah Basin ha ha. Those are the things that I could ABSOLUTELY NOT LIVE WITHOUT!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When I was younger I had always imagined myself as a crazy girl who did whatever she wanted. I was never certain or set on what I wanted to become when I grew up, just as long as it wasn't something boring that I knew I would enjoy! Now in the present day I have lived that crazy life, just to a more serious extent. I lived in the moment more than I should have. Now I want to get my life back onto the right track. With doing so I have been thinking of an enjoyable life career, I want to become a Hair Artist, not a "hair dresser", but "hair artist". It sounds more spontaneous! Lately I have been looking at two schools that I would love to attend in the next two years, Taylor Andrews in Salt Lake City, Utah and Von Lesse in Provo, Utah. Right now in the moment I believe I'm leaning more towards Taylor Andrews. Just because I can see myself living in the bigger city with my life being total chaos, but at the same time loving every moment of it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Crazy & Wild Is What I Want To Be

When I was young I always imaged myself as a crazy, do whatever kind of girl. 
To this day I have lived that life of a crazy uncontrollable lady! I live in the moment. 
Now I want to get my life back on track and really think about what I want to be in the next few years.
I have been thinking of the options and I have come up with becoming a Hair Artist! Yes a Hair Artist,
not a hair dresser, because that doesn't sound spontaneous enough! I like things to be big and loud.

Lately I have been looking at numerous cosmetology schools and I have come down to Taylor Andrew's
in Salt Lake City, Utah and Von Lesse in Provo, Utah. I think I am leaning more toward Taylor Andrews,
just because I am more of a city girl and I believe I could do great things in the future if I were in Salt Lake!